
BANGI, 27 OGOS 2024–Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia) telah menganjurkan Program Seminar R&D dan Hari Inovasi Nuklear Malaysia 2024 selama 3 hari bermula 27 hingga 29 Ogos 2024 di Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, Bangi dengan tema "Teknologi Nuklear Memacu Industri Negara dan Mengiktiraf Kecemerlangan Inovasi Sains & Teknologi Nuklear".

Objektif utama program ini adalah bertujuan menyediakan platform bagi penyelidik, pencipta, profesional serta pihak industri untuk berkongsi pengetahuan mengenai produk dan hasil R&D, penemuan inovasi dan penyelesaian terkini melalui teknologi nuklear dalam pelbagai sektor. Ia juga mendorong kolaborasi kepakaran dan R&D tempatan merentasi pelbagai bidang serta aplikasi sains dan teknologi nuklear

Majlis perasmian ini telah disempurnakan oleh Datuk Ts. Dr. Mohd. Nor Azman bin Hassan, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Pembangunan Teknologi), Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI). Turut sama dalam majlis perasmian adalah wakil-wakil daripada pelbagai kementerian dan agensi kerajaan serta institusi pengajian tinggi dan pemain industri.

Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha MOSTI dalam ucapannya berkata "Program Seminar R&D dan Hari Inovasi Nuklear Malaysia 2024 ini merupakan satu langkah baik dalam mendorong kecemerlangan R&D&C&I sains dan teknologi selaras dengan matlamat yang terkandung di dalam DSTIN 2021-2030, DTNN 2030 dan revolusi 4IR. Selain bertujuan meraikan pencapaian dalam penyelidikan serta inovasi, program seumpama ini dapat menyebarluaskan lagi manfaat perkembangan dan aplikasi S&T nuklear kepada masyarakat, terutamanya pemain industri tempatan".

Ujarnya lagi, menerusi perkongsian hasil penyelidikan dan inovasi yang dijalankan serta interaksi dan pembinaan jaringan kerjasama bersama pelbagai pihak pemegang taruh, program ini dapat membantu dalam usaha untuk penghasilan lebih banyak produk dan teknologi yang bermanfaat kepada masyarakat.
Di antara aktiviti utama pengisian program ini termasuklah sesi pembentangan sekitar 150 kertas kerja dan hasil penyelidikan oleh penyelidik Nuklear Malaysia. Turut dianjurkan ialah pertandingan dan pameran Anugerah Inovasi Nuklear Kebangsaan 2024 yang melibatkan penyertaan 50 hasil inovasi penyelidikan Nuklear Malaysia, pelbagai institut penyelidikan, universiti awam & universiti swasta, serta program lawatan teknikal ke beberapa kemudahan dan fasiliti penyelidikan yang terdapat di Nuklear Malaysia. 

Bersempena dengan program ini, Nuklear Malaysia turut menganjurkan satu sesi town hall bersama pemegang taruh mengenai Dasar Teknologi Nuklear Negara 2030 yang dikendalikan oleh Datuk Ts. Dr. Mohd. Nor Azman bin Hassan, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Pembangunan Teknologi) MOSTI bersama Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, Ketua Pengarah Nuklear Malaysia yang bertujuan untuk memberi penerangan dan mendapatkan maklum balas daripada wakil pihak industri, institusi pendidikan dan penyelidikan serta organisasi bukan kerajaan yang hadir mengenai hala tuju pelan tindakan yang digariskan di bawah dasar ini.

Agensi Nuklear Malaysia terus komited dalam usaha mengarusperdanakan penggunaan teknologi nuklear ke arah mempertingkatkan daya saing industri, memperkukuh kesejahteraan rakyat dan memelihara sumber asli dan alam sekitar.



BANGI, 21 OGOS 2024- Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia) telah menerima kunjungan dan lawatan kerja daripada Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Alam Sekitar, Sains dan Perladangan (JKPK), Parlimen Malaysia. Delegasi lawatan dianggotai oleh seramai 22 orang ini telah diketuai oleh Datuk Haji Ahmad Amzad bin Mohamed @ Hashim selaku Pengerusi JKPK.

Ketibaan delegasi telah disambut oleh Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, Ketua Pengarah Agensi Nuklear Malaysia. Pada sesi lawatan ini, satu taklimat berkaitan Agensi Nuklear Malaysia turut disampaikan dan diikuti sesi interaksi antara Nuklear Malaysia bersama dengan Ahli JKPK Parlimen Malaysia.

Antara objektif lawatan kerja ini adalah untuk melihat hasil kajian, projek-projek utama dan penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) terkini dalam bidang teknologi nuklear disamping untuk lebih memahami aplikasi teknologi dan penyelidikan nuklear dalam pelbagai sektor seperti perubatan,pertanian dan industri.

Selain daripada itu, lawatan ini turut diadakan bagi mendapatkan pemahaman tentang regulasi dan pengawalan terhadap penggunaan teknologi nuklear dan prosedur keselamatan untuk mengendalikan bahan radioaktif dan peralatan nuklear. Selain itu, ia bertujuan untuk memahami amalan terbaik dalam penggunaan teknologi nuklear yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan mampan dan lestari. 

Pada sesi lawatan kerja ini, pihak delegasi turut dibawa melawat ke beberapa fasiliti penyelidikan, antaranya adalah Reaktor Triga PUSPATI (RTP) yang merupakan satu-satunya reaktor penyelidikan di Malaysia, Pusat Pengurusan Sisa Radioaktif dan Rumah Hijau Gama.



BANGI, 16 OGOS 2024: Dalam usaha membentuk masyarakat bebas rasuah, punca permasalahan rasuah perlu dikenalpasti dan diatasi. Di antara puncanya ialah isu percanggahan kepentingan. Sehubungan dengan itu, Unit Integriti, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia telah menganjurkan ceramah bertajuk "Menghadapi Dilema Percanggahan Kepentingan" di Dewan Tun Dr. Ismail, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia hari ini.

Sesi perkongsian telah disampaikan oleh Tuan Mohamad Izam bin Abd. Nasir, Penolong Pesuruhjaya (PPj), Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM). Pada sesi ini, pelbagai perkara serta maklumat telah disampaikan berkaitan situasi semasa rasuah di Malaysia, dan perlunya pendidikan serta kesedaran tentang percanggahan kepentingan (conflict of interest) serta kaedah mengatasinya.

Dalam usaha untuk membentuk masyarakat yang bebas rasuah, SPRM telah melaksanakan pelbagai strategi bagi membanteras gejala ini secara holistik.

Secara umumnya, rasuah merupakan suatu perbuatan sama ada memberi atau menerima sesuatu suapan yang berbentuk wang tunai atau barangan berharga sebagai upah bagi melakukan suatu perbuatan yang mempunyai kaitan dengan bidang tugas seseorang itu.

SPRM merupakan sebuah badan tunggal dan bebas yang mengendalikan kes-kes yang berkaitan dengan rasuah serta merupakan tunggak utama dalam inisiatif anti-rasuah di Malaysia.

Tuan Mohamad Izam bin Abd. Nasir, Penolong Pesuruhjaya (PPj), Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), menyampaikan perkongsian berkaitan dengan fungsi serta peranan SPRM kepada peserta yang hadir.


Antara peserta yang hadir semasa sesi perkongsian berkaitan "Menghadapi Dilema Percanggahan Kepentingan" oleh SPRM.


Sesi interaksi serta soal jawab berkaitan dengan isu rasuah di Malaysia.



PERLIS, 16 OGOS 2024- Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia) dengan kerjasama Institut Kejuruteraan Nanoelektronik (INEE), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMaP) telah menganjurkan Bengkel Asas Fabrikasi Wafer Semikonduktor yang diadakan selama 5 hari bermula 12 - 16 Ogos 2024 di UniMaP, Perlis.

Agensi Nuklear Malaysia telah diketuai oleh Ts. Dr. Ishak bin Mansor, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Program Perkhidmatan Teknikal dan disertai oleh barisan penyelidik daripada Pusat Teknologi Nuklear Emerging (NET) dan Pusat Instrumentasi & Automasi (PIA).

Bengkel ini dilaksanakan untuk memberikan pendedahan kepada para penyelidik dari Agensi Nuklear Malaysia berkenaan dengan proses-proses fabrikasi wafer semikonduktor. Dalam bengkel ini juga, para penyelidik telah menjalankan demonstrasi dalam bentuk teori dan amali secara berkumpulan yang melibatkan pegawai penyelidik daripada kedua-dua pihak.

Pada bengkel ini juga, turut diadakan sesi perbincangan bersama pihak pengurusan tertinggi UniMaP yang diketuai oleh Prof. Ir. Dr. Rizalafande Che Ismail, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan & Inovasi). Antara perkara yang dibincangkan adalah berkaitan potensi serta peluang kerjasama dalam bidang penyelidikan yang boleh dijalankan.

Pada bengkel ini juga diadakan sesi lawatan ke kemudahan-kemudahan penyelidikan utama di bawah seliaan Institut Kejuruteraan Nanoelektronik (INEE) dan Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi (FKTEN) UniMAP.

Kerjasama yang akan dibangunkan ini dijangka akan memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat dan negara terutamanya dalam bidang teknologi semikonduktor.

YBrs. Ts. Dr. Ishak bin Mansor, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Program Perkhidmatan Teknikal, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (tiga dari kanan) bersama pegawai penyelidik daripada Agensi Nuklear Malaysia dan pegawai daripada Institut Kejuruteraan Nanoelektronik (INEE), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMaP)

Sekitar sesi perbincangan pihak Agensi Nuklear Malaysia bersama pihak pengurusan tertinggi Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMaP), Pengarah INEE serta barisan tenaga pengajar yang diketuai oleh YBhg. Prof. Ir. Dr. Rizalafande Che Ismail, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan & Inovasi), UniMaP (Tengah)



Pegawai Penyelidik daripada Agensi Nuklear Malaysia diberikan penerangan oleh pegawai daripada Institut Kejuruteraan Nanoelektronik berkaitan dengan proses-proses fabrikasi wafer semikonduktor



KUALA LUMPUR, 14 OGOS 2024– Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia) sebuah agensi di bawah Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi (MOSTI) telah menyertai reruai bersempena dengan Sidang Kemuncak Tahun Pengkomersialan Malaysia (MCY) 2024 yang telah berlangsung pada 12 - 13 Ogos 2024 di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur.

YAB Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim, Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah merasmikan MCY Summit 2024 dengan tema "Leading the Regional Innovation". Sidang kemuncak ini diadakan bertujuan untuk mempercepat dan meraikan pengkomersialan penyelidikan, pembangunan dan inovasi (R&D&I) di Malaysia dalam usaha memacu negara ke arah menjadi peneraju serantau dalam inovasi.

MCY Summit merupakan acara kemuncak yang bertujuan untuk mengiktiraf serta meraikan pencapaian penyelidik dan usahawan teknologi tempatan yang berjaya mengkomersialkan produk, teknologi serta perkhidmatan hasil R&D di pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsa. Ia turut berfungsi mempromosikan inisiatif-inisiatif yang sedang dijalankan oleh pihak MOSTI.

MOSTI kekal komited memupuk inovasi dari peringkat awal hingga merealisasikannya ke pasaran. Dari pembiayaan penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D), pengujian atau validasi produk serta teknologi hingga memudahcara proses pengkomersialan, MOSTI menyediakan sokongan menyeluruh kepada para penyelidik.

Turut hadir sama Tuan Chang Lih Kang, Menteri MOSTI, Dato' Haji Mohammad Yusof Apdal, Timbalan Menteri MOSTI, barisan pengurusan tertinggi kementerian dan pegawai-pegawai daripada Agensi Nuklear Malaysia.



PORT DICKSON, 6 OGOS 2024: Agensi Nuklear Malaysia dengan kerjasama Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (DBP) telah menganjurkan Seminar dan Bengkel Penulisan & Penerbitan Saintifik 2024. Bengkel yang bermula 6 hingga 8 Ogos 2024 ini telah berlangsung di Hotel Pacific Regency Beach Resort, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. Majlis perasmian ini telah dirasmikan oleh Puan Ruziah bin Shafei, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Perancangan & Pembudayaan Sains) Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi (MOSTI). Lebih 60 orang peserta telah menyertai bengkel anjuran kali ke-14 ini.



Mengangkat tema "Memperkasakan Penulisan Saintifik Memacu Masyarakat Madani", tema ini dipilih selari dengan saranan YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia semasa peluncuran Karnival Dekad Bahasa Kebangsaan dan Dekad Membaca Kebangsaan 2023, yang telah menyeru agar penggunaan Bahasa Melayu dalam semua surat rasmi dalam urusan kerajaan bagi memelihara identiti kebangsaan, selain untuk mempererat perpaduan rakyat.


Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha MOSTI dalam ucapannya turut berkata, "Pemartabatan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan memerlukan sokongan dan komitmen daripada segenap anggota masyarakat, ia bukan peranan tunggal Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia perlu sedar bahawa penggunaan bahasa, baik Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Cina, Bahasa Tamil, Bahasa Arab atau apa-apa bahasa sekalipun, haruslah digalakkan bermula dengan paksi dan keutamaan Bahasa Melayu."

Ujarnya lagi, para penyelidik dan cendekiawan daripada seluruh fraterniti penyelidikan dan akademik umumnya, perlu menggalas tanggungjawab dalam usaha menyebarluas hasil kajian bermanfaat kepada masyarakat. Penyebaran hasil kajian ini perlu dilakukan dengan menghasilkan karya yang bermutu tinggi, tetapi pada masa yang sama dapat difahami oleh masyarakat.

Penganjuran bengkel pada kali ini turut mendapat sokongan daripada Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), PTS Media Group (PTS), Persatuan Penerbit Buku Malaysia (MABOPA), Persatuan Penulis Negeri Sembilan (PEN) dan Majalahsains.com.

Kerjasama strategik diantara DBP dan Nuklear Malaysia sejak 2013 hingga kini telah membawa kepada penerbitan buku, artikel, glosari dan ensiklopedia dalam bidang sains nuklear, dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Turut hadir, Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, Ketua Pengarah, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, Dr. Hazami bin Jahari, Ketua Pengarah, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Dr. Muhammad Rawi bin Muhamed Zin, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah, Program Penyelidikan & Pembangunan Teknologi, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia dan Dr. Nor Pa'iza bin Mohamad Hasan, Pengarah Bahagian Teknologi Industri, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penganjur Seminar dan Bengkel Penulisan & Penerbitan Saintifik 2024.



BANGI, JULY, 31st 2024- Media practitioners play essential role in disseminating information, forming views and impressions and shaping societal attitudes. They have proven to be the main tools or intermediaries in conveying certain information and messages to the public. The Malaysian Nuclear Agency welcomed media representatives from Siakap Keli Sdn. Bhd led by Mr. Mohd Firdaus bin Ishak, General Manager of Siakap Keli Sdn. Bhd.

Dr Rosli bin Darmawan, Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, along with the management today received the visit. One of the main objectives of this tour is to learn more on Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) in order to improve their writing, production and creativity.

On this occasion, the Dr Rosli expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Siakap Keli for their support and cooperation in promoting Nuklear Malaysia through articles and coverage on various media platforms over the years. This would indirectly improve public awareness on nuclear technology.

The collaboration between Nuklear Malaysia and Siakap Keli media can also improve the public's view perspective of nuclear technology, leading to a more positive outcome for support of the National Nuclear Technology Policy (DTNN) 2030. The group was also brought to visit Malaysia's only research reactor, the Triga Puspati Reactor (RTP).

Dr. Muhammad Rawi bin Mohamed Zin, Deputy Director General, Research Programme & Technology Development, Ts. Dr. Ishak bin Mansor, Deputy Director-General of, the Technical Services Programme, Dr. Shukri bin Mohd, Director, Technical Support Department, and others were also present.


Four students representing Malaysia achieved outstanding success by bringing home two silver medals and two bronze medals at the International Nuclear Science Olympiad (INSO) 2024, held in New Clark City, Philippines, from July 31 to August 7, 2024. This Olympiad aims to enhance knowledge, understanding, and interest in nuclear science and technology among high school students.


The team was led by Dr. Mark Dennis Usang (Malaysian Nuclear Agency) and Lim Teng Sheng (Nuclear Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM). The participating students were Lim Yee Jian and Isaac Toh Thiam Tek (Kedah Engineering Matriculation College), Saratt A/L Suthagar (UKM ASASI Pintar Program), and Arell Yazid Fazrin bin Mohd Fauzi (Tuanku Jaafar Science Secondary School). These students were also the finalists selected through the Malaysia Nuclear Science Olympiad (MyNSO) 2024, organized by the PERMATA@Pintar Negara, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

The national-level competition was successfully organized by the PERMATA@Pintar Negara, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, in collaboration with various parties, including the Sports, Co-curriculum, and Arts Division (BSKK) of the Ministry of Education Malaysia, and three agencies under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) – the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, the Department of Atomic Energy, and the National Science Center. This first-time participation and organization received full support and sponsorship from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Malaysia will also co-host the second INSO with the IAEA in 2025.

Congratulations, Malaysia!



KUALA LUMPUR, JULY 29th, 2024 -Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) led by Dr Rosli Darmawan, Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, paid a courtesy visit to the Director General of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Dr. Hazami Jahari. This event took placed in the Management Board Meeting Room, Menara DBP Kuala Lumpur.

Dr Rosli Darmawan took the opportunity to convey appreciation to DBP for their aid and support in publishing Nuklear Malaysia's publications over time which began in 2010, has resulted in the publication of more than 12 scientific books on nuclear technology, as well as the expansion of nuclear science vocabulary and articles for public.

Mrs Normazlin bin Ismail, Publication Officer from the Information Management Division (BPM), delivered a brief presentation during this session on the potential for collaboration between Nuklear Malaysia and DBP, as well as other collaboration opportunities to be explored.

Also present were Dr. Muhammad Rawi bin Mohamed Zin, Deputy Director General, Technology Research and Development Programme, Ms. Habibah Adnan, Director of the Information Management Division, Dr. Reusmaazran bin Yusof, Senior Editor from the Industrial Technology Division, Dr. Zaiton Binti Ahmad, Editor-in-Chief of the Agrotechnology and Biosciences Division as well as others from Nuklear Malaysia.

This meeting is expected to strengthen bilateral collaboration between Nuklear Malaysia and DBP while also exploring new high value frontiers, benefitting both sides particularly in the production of more high-quality publications in nuclear science and technology.



KUALA LUMPUR, 17TH JULY 2024- Dato' Haji Mohammad Yusof Apdal, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI), attended the BNP Labs Certificate Handover Ceremony during the National Bioeconomy Showcase 2024 (NBiOSHOWCASE 2024), held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC).


Malaysian Nuclear Agency through its Pharmaceutical Group Laboratory, Medical Technology Division, has been recognized as one of the laboratories with Bionexus Partner accreditation. The certificate of recognition was handed over the Deputy Minister to Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency.

In total, 38 laboratories are recognized as BioNexus Partners Laboratories (BNP Labs) for fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in Malaysia's biotechnology and bio-based businesses. BNP Labs is one of the initiatives operated by the Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation (Bioeconomy Corporation) to support the country's research, development, commercialization, and innovation (R&D&C&I) needs while also bridging the gap between industry actors and R&D. BNP Labs is also viewed as a platform that assists biotechnology firms in generating revenue, including BioNexus status companies, Bio-based Accelerator (BBA) companies, and high-impact initiatives that have provided RM37.5 billion in revenue to Malaysia's GDP.

The Deputy Minister stated in his speech that BNP Labs can address the issues of R&D&C&I in Malaysia, where 66 per cent of R&D&C&I initiatives continue to rely on government funding. He stated that BNP Labs' expertise, facilities, tools, training, accreditation, and technical services help entrepreneurs and biotech and bio-based SMEs become more competitive and innovative by mentoring new product research, improving existing products, and conducting product analysis and commercialization.


BANGI, JULY 2nd 2024: The Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) successfully organised a workshop on implementing the National Nuclear Technology Policy (DTNN) 2030 Initiative on 2-3 July 2024 at Dewan Tun Dr Ismail (DTI). Dr. Muhammad Rawi bin Mohamed Zin, Deputy Director General (Research and Technology Development Programme) of Nuklear Malaysia, officiated the workshop.

This workshop had 84 participants, including members from the Strategic Thrust Committee (JKTS) and the Main Sector Committee (JKSU) of DTNN 2030 from various ministries, government agencies, government-linked companies, public and private universities, and associations.

The main objective of this workshop was to review and evaluate the implementation progress of all main targets, strategies, and flagship programs outlined in the DTNN 2030 Action Plan. This two-day workshop also discussed emerging issues affecting the effectiveness of this policy action plan. The implementation report results and improvement suggestions from this workshop will then be raised and discussed in the Nuclear Technology Technical Committee (JTTN) and the Nuclear Technology Steering Committee (JPTN), which is expected to be held in September and October 2024.



KUALA LUMPUR, MAY 24TH 2024: The Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, paid a courtesy visit to the National Science Centre (PSN) in Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur last Friday. The Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) delegation was warmly welcomed by Mr. Mohammad Fuad bin Rahman, Director of the PSN, and its management team.


Also attending were Dr Muhammad Rawi bin Mohamed Zin, Deputy Director General of the Research Programme and Technology Development, Dr Ishak bin Mansor, Deputy Director General of the Technical Services Programme, and other officials.



Mrs. Norzehan Ngadiron, Publication Officer from the Information Management Division of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, took the helm to give a brief presentation on Nuklear Malaysia's promotion and outreach campaign to date.


Nuklear Malaysia took the opportunities for working with PSN in bolstering public information dissemination activities related to the National Nuclear Technology Policy (DTNN) 2030, launched last year by Chang Lih Kang, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI).

The courtesy call is expected to open a new frontier in disseminating public information, taking advantage of both agencies prowess while benefiting the public.



BANGI, MAY 24TH 2024: Secretary General of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Dato' Ts. Dr Hj. Aminuddin bin Hassim inaugurated the 18th Postgraduate Educational Course (PGEC-18) on Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources, which took place at Bangi Avenue Convention Center (BACC) in Bangi, Selangor.


This PGEC-18 course has brought together 25 participants from 17 countries, including professionals, researchers, and policymakers from the Asia Pacific region. Through this approach, participants can understand and strengthen the implementation of international safety standards by developing human capital in radiation safety.



In fact, on September 27th 2022, Malaysia signed a Practical Arrangement (PA) in Vienna, Austria, with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regarding education and training in radiation, transport, and safety of radioactive waste. Further to this agreement, Nuklear Malaysia has acted as a regional training centre for the Asia Pacific region.

Therefore, to mainstream the peaceful use of nuclear technology in the Asia Pacific region, Nuklear Malaysia welcomes strategic collaboration between IAEA member countries. Thus, it can positively impact the country's socioeconomic growth.


MOSTI Deputy Secretary General (Technology Development) Datuk Ts. Dr. Mohd Nor Azman bin Hassan, Nuklear Malaysia's top management, and embassy representatives from participating countries involved in this program were also present.



BANGI, MAY 9th 2024: The Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) today received a courtesy visit from the delegation of Sultan Azlan Shah University (USAS) in Kuala Kangsar, Perak. The delegation was brought to the Bangi Complex to hold further discussion.

The USAS delegation, led by Prof. Dato' Dr. Wan Sabri bin Wan Yusof, Vice Chancellor, received warm welcome by Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, along with other officials from the management.


Several prospects were considered during the discussion, including a knowledge transfer cooperation of the NMR-152 paddy variety farming project on unused part of land in the Kota Lama Kanan area of Kuala Kangsar District. NMR 152 is a rice variety created via mutation breeding technique on MR 219 rice seeds using gamma ray.

This collaboration is expected to improve local farmers' revenue growth, particularly in the Kuala Kangsar District.



Agensi Nuklear Malaysia telah menyertai Program MADANI Rakyat 2024 Zon Utara yang telah berlangsung pada 3 – 5 Mei 2024 di Tapak Pesta Sungai Nibong, Pulau Pinang.

Pada program kali ini, Nuklear Malaysia telah berpeluang  mempromosikan produk serta perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan bagi meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesedaran umum terhadap Dasar Teknologi Nuklear Negara untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup rakyat.

Kehadiran Tuan Yang Terutama (TYT) Tun Dato' Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi bin Haji Abdul Razak, Yang di-Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang bersama isteri, Yang Amat Berbahagia Toh Puan Dato' Seri Utama Khadijah binti Mohd Nor telah memeriahkan lagi suasana di reruai Kementerian Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI). Turut hadir ialah YB Dato' Dr. Mohammad bin Abdul Hamid, Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 Pulau Pinang dan YBhg. Dato' Ts. Dr. Hj. Aminuddin bin Hassim, Ketua Setiausaha, Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi.

Program Madani Rakyat ini akan diteruskan ke Zon Timur di Pahang diikuti Zon Selatan di Johor seterusnya Sarawak dan berakhir di Sabah.



PUTRAJAYA, MARCH 6th, 2024: Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) Appreciation Ceremony, today holds a ceremony to celebrate 16 (future) retirees, as well as 62 recipients of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency Excellent Service Award (APC) for 2023. Chang Lih Kang, Minister of MOSTI, was present for the opening event which was held in the Seri Siantan Hall, Putrajaya.


Chang Lih Kang awarded the certificate, which was witnessed by Dato' Ts. Dr. Hj. Aminuddin bin Hassim, MOSTI Secretary General, and Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, Director General of Nuklear Malaysia.


Heartiest congratulations to all recipients of the Excellent Service Award 2023!

To retirees and future retirees, our deepest gratitude and appreciation for their lifelong services!




KUBANG PASU, March 5th, 2024: Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) remains dedicated to collaborate with industry to encourage the use of nuclear technology for public benefit. Taaveekun Sdn. Bhd. invited Nuklear Malaysia to provide consultation and technical services related to the use of nuclear technology, including electrical and water route testing to map the location of cables and pipes, as well as resistivity testing to identify potential groundwater areas.

Nuklear Malaysia was present in a session at Bukit Kayu Hitam, represented by Dr. Rasif Mohd Zain, Director of Technology Commercialization Division; Dr. Rahman bin Yaccup, Director of Waste Technology Division & Environment; Nor Azreen Masenwat, MSI-NDT Service Centre Manager; and Mohamed Zaffar Ali Mohamed Amiroudine, Head of Marketing Unit.

Taaveekun Sdn. Bhd. is a Bumiputra-owned company offering organic and chemical fertilizers and goods to both domestic and foreign markets. This meeting is expected to spearhead a perpetual application of nuclear technology in Malaysia.


MELBOURNE, MARCH 4th, 2024: The Director General of the Malaysia Nuclear Agency and Director General of the Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office (ASNO) signed a Practical Arrangement between Malaysia and Australia on Cooperation in the Areas of Science and Technology and Their Applications for The Implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) at the Government House, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. The signing ceremony was held in conjunction with the 2nd Malaysia – Australia Annual Leaders' Meeting which was attended by the Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Signing ceremony of Practical Arrangements between Malaysian Nuclear Agency and ASNO

A bilateral meeting between the two Director Generals was also held after the signing ceremony to discuss further potential collaboration to enhance Malaysia's capacity in CTBT-related activities, particularly in areas such as radionuclides, seismic analysis, waveform analysis, and on-site inspection.  The cooperation is not only focused on CTBT implementation but also aims to maximize the benefits of CTBT for national interests, such as tsunami warnings, environmental monitoring, climate change research, and ensuring marine and aviation safety. Additionally, Malaysia looks forward to expanding this cooperation to other ASEAN member states through the Australia-ASEAN forum, highlighting the potential contribution of the CTBT to regional safety, stability, and peace.

Bilateral Meeting between Malaysian Nuclear Agency and Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office (ASNO)

During the bilateral meeting, the Government of Malaysia also stated its appreciation to the Government of Australia for their support and assistance towards developing capacity building in radionuclides and seismic analysis, particularly with expert assistance from Geoscience Australia throughout 2023.

The Ceremonial Welcome hosted by Australian Prime Minister the Honourable Anthony Albanese to YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia and official delegation, including the Director General of Malaysian Nuclear Agency at Government House, Victoria


BANGI, MARCH 4TH, 2024: Dato' Ts. Dr. Hj. Aminuddin bin Hashim, Secretary General of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI), led a visit to Nuklear Malaysia to monitor its development project. Dr. Muhammad Rawi bin Mohamed Zin, Deputy Director General, Research & Technology Development, Ts. Dr. Ishak bin Mansor, Deputy Director General, Technical Services, and other directors were also present.

The dignitaries made a tour to the radiopharmaceutical kit production plant to observe the planned upgrade of the Nuclear Medicine Research and Development Laboratory. The goal was the perpetual transfer of nuclear medicine technology to the market. This initiative will also ensure all pre-clinical research facilities and radiopharmaceutical R&D laboratories are compliant with Act 304.

On top of that, the National Radiation Metrology Centre of Excellence will be upgraded to strengthen Malaysia's nuclear R&D operations in radiation metrology, medical physics, radiation protection, and non-ionizing radiation (NIR).

Mr Ooli Gunalan A/L Manickam, Senior Under Secretary of Management, was also present, along with Mr Zulhasmi bin Jamaludin, Secretary of Development Division, and Mr Fauzi bin Mohd Said, Deputy Secretary of Strategic Technology Division and Applications.



SEKINCHAN, FEB 15th, 2024: Datuk Ts. Dr. Hj. Aminuddin bin Hassim, Secretary General, Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI), conducted a working visit to the Paddy Seed Production Plant and the NMR 152 Paddy Research Site.  Ruziah binti Shafei, Deputy Secretary General (Planning & Science Culture), Zulhasmi bin Jamaludin, Secretary of Development Division, and Ts. Dr. Azhar bin Mohamad, Director of Agrotechnology Division & Bioscience (BAB), Malaysian Nuclear Agency, were also present.

The NMR 152 variety was officially launched on November 19, 2021, as part of the Nuklear Malaysiainitiative to develop a new breed of crops proven to beresilient to extreme weather, disease-resistant, and producinghigh yields to farmers while lowering the cost of fertilizers.

This new variety is also a testament to the government's persistencethrough MOSTIand Nuklear Malaysia, which raised Malaysiacredibility on food securitywith recognition from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Food and Agriculture Organization at the 65th General Conference in Vienna, Austria, in  2021.

The NMR152 Paddy Seed received both the Overall Award (MCY Supreme Award) and the Research Entrepreneur Award as part of the Malaysian Commercialization Year Award (MCY), which was organized by MOSTI.



BANGI, JAN 31, 2024: The Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) and Syarikat Minda Wangsa Agro have worked together to develop composting technologies based on irradiated fungal. The Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signing event took place in  Nuklear Malaysia, today.

Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, representing Nuklear Malaysia, and Mr. Prakasrao Apparau, on behalf of the Wangsa Agro Mind Company, signed the MoA. Ts. Dr. Azhar bin Mohamad, Director of Agrotechnology Division & Bioscience, Dr. Siti Najila binti Mohd Janib, Manager of the Research Management Centre (RMC) were also present at the ceremony.

The collaboration entails the development of an IOT-controlled fertigation system as well as the fabrication of bio compose materials employing microbial complexes derived from agricultural agro-waste, specifically mushroom substrate waste.

The signing of this agreement marks a significant milestone in the introduction and encouragement of the use of nuclear technology for the creation of fungus-deciphered compost substrates in the food and agriculture industries.



BANGI, JAN 17th, 2024:Dato' Haji Mohammad Yusof bin Apdal, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI), conducted his first working visit to the Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) after his appointment on December 13, 2023. During this working visit, Dr Rosli bin Darmawan, Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, informed the Deputy Minister of the Nuklear Malaysia activities and its prominent roles in propelling nuclear science and technology.


The briefing and engagement session, held at the Conference Hall, Block 11, Bangi Complex, was also attended by top management and directors. During this visit, the Deputy Minister visited the Gallery of Nuclear Excellence, which featured research discoveries by local nuclear researchers.



BANGI, 16 JAN, 2024:The Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) and Alam Flora Environmental Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (AFES) have entered into a partnership to produce plastic oil using irradiation and closed-burning methods of domestic plastic waste. The exchange ceremony for memorandums of understanding (MoUs) occurred in Tun Dr. Ismail Hall, Bangi Complex.

Dr. Rosli bin Darmawan, Director General of the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, and Dato' Mohd Zain Hassan, CEO of Alam Flora Sdn. Bhd., cum Director of Alam Flora Environmental Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (AFES), completed the MoU exchange session for research collaboration, which was attended by the Nuklear Malaysia management team, research officers, and management from Alam Flora Environmental Solutions Sdn. Bhd.

In his statement, the Director General of Nuklear Malaysia stated, "Malaysia supports sustainable development by balancing economic growth and environmental preservation as outlined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG)". Consequently, Malaysia has established the "Malaysia Plastic Sustainability Roadmap 2021-2030," a government initiative to combat plastic waste pollution and ensure the country's economic growth and social well-being.